The creator of the Infiel Connecticut Cigars has 24 years in the tobacco industry, learning much from a long tenure under Nick Perdomo Jr with Perdomo Cigars across all facets of the premium cigar manufacturing process, Silvio Loaisiga brings a deep understanding of the inner workings of the tobacco industry to his own brand Loaisiga Cigars.
“The decision to leave my position at Perdomo Cigars was not an easy one,” notes Loasigia. “But my entrepreneurial spirit and passion for tobacco led me to pursue my own dream of a company and cigar brand I can call my own.”
Driven by his vast experience and a deep love for the art of cigar production, Silvio founded Loaisiga Cigars with the mission of creating products that not only stand out for their quality, but also tell a story of dedication, tradition and craftsmanship.
“Loaisiga Cigars seeks to capture the essence of the finest Nicaraguan tobacco, offering a unique and memorable smoking experience,” said Loaisiga. “The first few years were challenging, with a constant effort to perfect blends and ensure consistency in every cigar produced. Thanks to his team’s dedication and commitment, the brand has started to gain recognition both nationally and internationally with our first line Infiel Cigars.”
Located in Estelí, the Loaisiga Cigars factory employs a team of approximately 70 in the factory and 100 I the field and the brand has managed to establish a presence in the United States, Honduras, Guatemala.
The Infiel Cigars includes three lines across multiple vitolas:
- Infiel Connecticut – Wrapper: Ecuador,Filler and Binder: Nicaragua
- Infiel Sun Grown – Wrapper: Ecuador,Filler and Binder: Nicaragua
- Infiel Maduro – Wrapper: Mexico, Filler and Binder: Nicaragua
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