In 1898, Alcazar cigars were created in honor of the prize-winning race horse of the time. Just like the horse Alcazar, these cigars were a hit. Unfortunately even with its wide-spread popularity the Great Depression ultimately meant the end for the Alcazar brand. Realizing the enormous potential of this lost brand, J.C. Newman offered to buy the rights to Alcazar and added the cigar to his company portfolio. It is clear J.C. had an eye for great cigars because this historic brand is still available from J.C. Newman Cigar Company today. Now a handmade Nicaraguan cigar and packaged in an affordable bundle, Alcazar Maduros continue to please the palate of cigar-lovers across the country. These cigars come in different vitolas including: Alcazar Maduro #1 Cigars, Alcazar Maduro #2 Cigars, Alcazar Maduro #3 Cigars, Alcazar Maduro #4 Cigars, Alcazar Maduro #5 Cigars.
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