The Best Selection Of Oliva Cigars In Store And Online Shop Now! Melanio Oliva cultivated his first tobacco crop in Pinar Del Rio, Cuba in 1886. His growing operations were suspended while he fought in the Cuban War of Independence.
After returning from the war, Melanio resumed his tobacco growing operations. In the early l920’s Melanio’s son Facundo Oliva took over the growing operations. Facundo cultivated the Oliva family tobacco fields for several decades. As Cuba became overrun by the Communists, the tobacco landscape changed. Facundo’s son Gilberto Oliva shifted from growing, to brokering tobacco. In the early 60’s the pressure became too great and Gilberto traveled from country to country in search of the conditions to recreate that distinctive Cuban taste.
His travels took him to Honduras, Panama, Mexico and even the Philippines. Gilberto finally found fertile ground in Nicaragua. Today Gilberto along with his family are Nicaragua’s second largest grower of Cuban-seed tobacco. Using these same time tested methods of curing, blending, and rolling that built an empire, the Oliva cigar lineup has garnered tons of top- ratings from industry experts and consumers alike, culminating with Cigar Aficionado Magazine awarding the Oliva Serie V Melanio Figurado Cigar of the Year in 2014.
If you have yet to experience an Oliva, you’re missing out on one the best cigars that you will ever smoke!
The Oliva Serie V Melanio Figurino Cigar by Oliva Cigars is a medium-bodied cigar with a unique shape. It has a 5.5 x 52 perfecto shape, with tapered caps and feet.On our site we have these cigars at the best Oliva serie v melanio figurino cigar price. Here you can find the Oliva serie v melanio figurino cigar review and the oliva serie v melanio edición año 2023 figuriño review that talks about the retail oliva serie v melanio price which on our site is sold at a discounted rate.
Serie V Melanio is hand rolled using expertly fermented ligero fillers, leaves known for their robust and rich flavor. This special cigar is sure to exceed a premium cigar smoker’s highest expectation. This carefully aged Jalapa blend produces a particularly flavored smoke. Rated 96 and the 2014 Cigar of the Year.
Serie V Melanio Maduro, made from a blend of Nicaraguan Sun Grown seed in the Jalapa region of the country and wrapped in a Mexican Maduro from the lush San Andres Valley. This unique cigar is sure to satisfy the highest expectations of Maduro cigar smokers.
Serie V is a complex blend of Nicaraguan long filler tobaccos. Blended with specially fermented Jalapa Valley ligero, and finished with a high priming original Cuban seed grown Wrapper. This flavorful blend exhibits complex tobacco with rich coffee and dark chocolate tones. A subtle and well balanced spice is present throughout.
Centered around formidable Nicaraguan Ligeros, which lay beneath a sweet and spicy San Andres wrapper, the Serie V Maduro carries the consistency in quality and flavor all of our cigars are known for. This combination renders layers of richness and complexity, in spite of it’s power, making it A Must Smoke!
Serie O is an original Cuban seed grown Puro. Made in the original Cuban tradition of growing the same original Cuban seed in diverse regions of the country to produce a distinct blend. This blend was achieved by growing the original Cuban seed in Esteli, Condega and Jalapa Valley.
All Nicaraguan Sun Grown filler and binder and a Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. The natural sweetness found in Connecticut Broadleaf make this blend full-bodied yet smooth. The Serie O Maduro features notes of dark tobacco with spice and rich cedar. It is an excellent smoke for the more developed smoker.
Serie G is a medium body blend made with authentic African-Cameroon wrapper. The unique flavor notes of this wrapper are complemented by the natural richness of Nicaraguan Sun Grown fillers. The Serie G is a cigar with notes of cedar and coffee. It is an excellent balance of smoke and flavor.
Serie G Maduro is a medium body blend made with Mexican wrapper. The unique flavor notes of this wrapper are complemented by the natural richness of Nicaraguan Sun Grown fillers. The Serie G Maduro is a cigar with notes of spice and rich cedar. It is a complex cigar crafted for the more developed palette.
Connecticut Reserve is blended from Nicaraguan long fillers and binder. Finished with only the finest Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, this medium-bodied cigar shows rich flavors as a smooth, silky smoke. This mellow cigar is not short on flavor with subtle notes of wood. It’s the perfect “any time” cigar.
Master Blends 3 is the third offering in a series of limited artisanal blends. Liga Maestra is specifically blended to deliver the richest characteristics of Nicaraguan ligero filler and Broadleaf sun-grown wrappers. It is a complex cigar which satisfies the most experienced smoker.
The unusual size and shape of the Nub isn’t just for show or novelty, Oliva designs each cigar to deliberately maximize the underlying cedar and spice flavors, and enhance your every draw. Available in your choice of four wrappers: Cameroon, Connecticut, Habano or Maduro.